long ago have posted report on computers with SCCM report for Last logged on computer name with application installed or not and SCCM report display computers with IPaddress based on Application/software this report gives you computers with ip address and last logged on username from a given collection : select A.Name0,c.IPAddress0 as 'IP ADDRESS',E.UserName0 as…

In this post,we will see how to get heartbeat discovery (DDR) time for the clients from specific collection using Reports.For troubleshooting client health issues ,we need to know when was the client last reported its DDR . If you need to create collection to list the clients that are not sending heartbeat DDR for past…

Computers with specific application installed with IPaddress. Additional reports for Add and remove programs are available from http://eskonr.com/2010/01/sccm-report-for-applications-installled-on-computers-with-without/ SELECT  a.Name0,b.IPAddress0,c.DisplayName0 FROM v_GS_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS c, v_R_System a, v_GS_NETWORK_ADAPTER_CONFIGUR b WHERE a.ResourceID = b.ResourceID and a.ResourceID=c.ResourceID and b.IPEnabled0='1' and b.ipaddress0 !='' AND c.DisplayName0 like '%Adobe acrobat%' GROUP BY a.Name0, c.DisplayName0, b.IPAddress0   ORDER BY a.name0 If there are…

You have report to list all computers based on last logged on username from http://eskonr.com/2011/03/sccm-report-to-list-all-computers-based-on-last-logged-on-user-name-from-collection/ . In this post,you will get list of computers with last logged on user name from given collection. Create a new report and paste the below query into it. Select A.Name0, A.UserName0  from V_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM A join v_FullCollectionMembership B on A.ResourceID…

Create a new report and paste the following query into it.This needs prompt as well to list the applications installed on computers . Select Distinct sys.Netbios_Name0, sys.User_Domain0, sys.User_Name0 FROM v_R_System sys JOIN v_Add_Remove_Programs arp ON sys.ResourceID = arp.ResourceID WHERE sys.ResourceID not in (select sys.ResourceID from v_R_System sys JOIN v_Add_Remove_Programs arp ON sys.ResourceID = arp.ResourceID where…
SCCM report for Computers Asset information including SN Number and model name

SMS/SCCM report with Asset Details information: I had a question from my boss to get list of computers that consists of computer name,model ,last boot up time and other important information.You can also customize it according to ur needs but the basis information that gives from below report. This reports provides an asset manager’s summary…