Collection to check if any of Primary or Secondary site not installed with SUP Role or any other Role? select SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceID,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceType,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Name,SMS_R_SYSTEM.SMSUniqueIdentifier,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Client from SMS_R_System where SMS_R_System.SystemRoles like "SMS Site System" and SMS_R_System.ResourceId not in (select ResourceID  from  SMS_R_System where SMS_R_System.SystemRoles like "SMS Software Update Point") Collection can be modified to check if any of the…

SCCM report for Domain Controllers with RAM,Operating System,IP Address etc. Full Details : SELECT       sys.Name0 AS 'System Name',       os.Caption0 AS 'Operating System',       os.CSDVersion0 AS 'Service Pack',       PM.TotalPhysicalMemory0 /1024 as 'RAM in MB',       OS.InstallDate0 AS 'Original OS Install Date',       os.LastBootUpTime0 AS 'Last Boot Time',       NAC.IPAddress0 AS 'IP Address',…

If you have any issues with distribution of any packages to child sites or if you are in multi-tier hierarchy,You get face issues with packages not replicating to child sites due to several reasons and they will be retrying n (specific) number of times until they get right version of PCK file. Preload is Our…
#SCCM /#Configmgr backup failing with error starting asynchronous do snapshotset smsbkp.log

Recently encountered backup issue on one of the primary site server and backup never ends stuck at “info:starting asynchronous do snapshotset… ” though sms_site_backup service running and never(did not monitored for too longtime) ends until you stop it manually. Below is the snapshot captured when error occurred. Why does it hangs over there ? what…

In a Big environment to know/work based on regional wide kind of doing some maintenance tasks in SCCM ,this would would help you to get you the count of Child sites reporting to primary. select ReportingSiteCode ,COUNT(*) as [Child sites] from v_Site group by ReportingSiteCode order by ReportingSiteCode

  I had requirement to check for some specific packages if their programs are used in any other packages or not . Take an example that ,Microsoft visual C++ is prereq for multiple applications and to know what packages used this specific VC++ ,it will be hard to find all parent packages using VC++ as…

Full Details : Boundary information (AD Site) added . select distinct v_GS_SYSTEM.Name0 as 'Computer Name',A.AD_Site_Name0, substring(AccountName0,charindex('Domain=',Accountname0)+8,(charindex('Name=',Accountname0)-charindex('Domain=',Accountname0)-10)) as 'Domain Name', substring(AccountName0,len(AccountName0)-charindex('"',reverse(AccountName0),2)+2,charindex('"',reverse(AccountName0),2)-2) as 'User Name' from v_GS_SYSTEM INNER JOIN v_GS_LocalAdmins ON v_GS_SYSTEM.ResourceID = v_GS_LocalAdmins.ResourceID INNER JOIN v_R_System A ON v_GS_SYSTEM.ResourceID=A.ResourceID JOIN v_FullCollectionMembership FCM on v_gs_system.ResourceID = FCM.ResourceID where (AccountName0 not like '%Administrator%' AND AccountName0 not like…