was looking at machine to see what advertisements /packages are targeted to sccm client though you can get this information directly from SCCM reports if you have access else wrote a simple script which gives you what packages with program name,Command line used ,ADV ID,Package ID information. ON ERROR RESUME NEXT Set fso=CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject") 'create text…

Overview : This Community Technology Preview (“CTP2”) enables System Center customers to jointly evaluate System Center 2012 and Windows Server 2012 Release Candidate. CTP2 includes updates and enhancements to the following System Center 2012 components: Virtual Machine Manager Improved Support for Network Virtualization Extend the VMM console with Add-ins Support for Windows Standards-Based Storage Management…
#SCCM / #Configmgr 2012 SP1 Upcoming Enhancements

The Product Group have recently announced the Beta of ConfigMgr 2012 SP1 at TechNet 2012 North America. You can view the announcement at http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/TechEd/NorthAmerica/2012/MGT309 Kent blogged about new enhancements over http://blog.coretech.dk/kea/configmgr-2012-sp1-announced-teched-2012/ Enhancements include: Platform Support: Windows 8 Windows 8 tablet (Intel SoC) support Mac OS X Linux and Unix Operating System Deployment: Windows To Go…

Creating collection to get computers that starts and end with particular string is used mostly using % .If this percentile used at the end of the variable name, you get all computer names that starts from particular string and if you use this in the beginning, gets all computers that ends with particular string. Examples…

Project Description The tool is designed for IT Professionals to troubleshoot SCCM/CM12 Client related Issues. The Client Center for Configuration Manager provides a quick and easy overview of client settings, including running services and Agent settings in a good easy to use, user interface. This Tool is currently an alpha Version. For testing purposes only...…

In System Center 2012 Configuration Manager, you can no longer deploy a secondary site server using Setup (wizard or scripted). Instead, you must use the Configuration Manager console to create a new secondary site. This is less than ideal if you want to deploy several secondary sites or want to automate the process for any…

Unlike SCCM 2007,lot of changes with respect to sccm 2012 hierarchy, additional features,roles and look wise. Log files are most Coveted for any kind of troubleshooting in sccm without which troubleshooting is Problematic and they are heart for troubleshooting. Several log files are added in sccm 2012 because of its new features and added roles.…