How to uninstall SCCM client using Intune Win32 app management

About an year ago (Sep 2018),Microsoft announced the support for Win32 app management capabilities using Intune. Intune-only customers can now leverage management capabilities for their Win32 line-of-business (LOB) apps . For more information about Intune Standalone - Win32 app management read here. Microsoft Win32 Content Prep Tool to pre-process Windows Classic apps. The packaging tool…
Use powershell to create Azure AD dynamic security group for Azure AD joined (AADJ) devices only

  Recently, we had a requirement from customer, that they wanted to deploy applications /apply device configurations etc. from Intune to Azure AD Joined devices ONLY but not other devices like BYOD intune enrolled devices. (MAM/MDM) With intune, you can target apps ,device configurations, profiles ,deployments to both user groups OR device groups but not…
How to create device based Azure AD group with OSType and OSVersion using powershell for intune

Friend of mine had asked for help to create device based dynamic group with deviceOSType=iOS ,and deviceOSversion less than 12.4.1. The reason for this group was to limit anything below iOS 12.4.1 for iPhone devices and MDM managed devices only to have a collection. So that ,we can exclude them from VPN to restrict users…
How to install volume licensed versions of Project 2016 and Visio 2016 on computer that has office 365 proplus (Click-to-Run)

I have worked on couple of office 365 proplus rollout projects. In all projects ,one of the critical task is to manage MSI based deployments for visio/project 2016 on computer that runs office 365 proplus (Click-to-Run). Click-to-Run is the technology used to install Office 365 proplus subscription based .Windows Installer technology (MSI) was used to…
How to duplicate or export or copy the Intune app configuration policies

Introduction: We can use app configuration policies in Microsoft Intune to provide configuration settings for an iOS or Android app. These configuration settings allow an app to be customized by using an industry standard approach to app configuration and management. The configuration policy settings are used when the app checks for them, typically the first…