SCCM Right Click Tool Managed workloads of co-managed device

Co-management (cloud attach) enables you to manage Windows 10 or later devices simultaneously by using both Configuration Manager and Microsoft Intune. For more information about co-management, please refer here. For a device to be co-managed, one of the pre-requisite is Windows devices must be connected to Azure AD using Hybrid Azure AD joined or Azure…
SCCM Right click tools–find missing updates of a client

Managing software updates and creation of custom reports in ConfigMgr is OCEAN. You have so much data to visualize based on your needs. One of the very common requirements or reports is, find out the missing/required updates of a device that is managed by SCCM. If you have not moved the device management solution to…
How to install SCCM Client from Microsoft Intune for Co-managed and CMG – Notes from the field

I had setup SCCM Cloud Management gateway and Co-management for small customer who would like to extend the SCCM operations to windows 10 devices which are connected to internet. The cloud management gateway (CMG) provides a simple way to manage Configuration Manager clients on the internet. By deploying the CMG as a cloud service in…