Configmgr 2012 summary of Patch Compliance status Report month wise for specific Collection SSRS report

Last year i wrote blog post on summary of patch compliance status report --month wise and am sure ,it would helped many of Configmgr guys who are responsible for patching and to let security /management know whether they met the company SLA for each month or not.

I have received couple of comments for my previous blog post ,asking for ,is there way to limit this report to specific collection instead of all active clients .My previous report get the compliance status for all active clients in Configmgr irrespective of ,whether you manage the patching for all clients or not.

There are cases ,where in,you are not supposed to patch some of the clients (workstations\servers) for different reasons and you are requested to get the patch compliances only for specific clients.

This blog post is about,how to limit the report to specific collection.



Download the RDL file from TechNet gallery ,upload to your SSRS report folder.

Don't forget to change the Data Source after you upload. If you want to know How to change the DataSource, refer

16 Responses to "Configmgr 2012 summary of Patch Compliance status Report month wise for specific Collection SSRS report"

  1. This is a great report, but I am seeing inconsistent data when I report from month to month. for example for the month of March 2018 for the past few months there would be no data then all of a sudden there is data then the next month nothing again.

    This month i ran the report and now I have 7+ random months missing data. The collection is based on Active machines. I am not sure if you can assist me with this issue.

  2. Hi, Very nice report.

    But the report does not work with Windows Server 2016 unfortunately. It might be because Security updates is classified as "Critical Updates" and not as "Security Updates". Do you know how this can be fixed?

    1. Hi KJ,
      I havent check for server 2016 as i do not have any server 2016 but i will get 1 server install and try this report ,which might take little time.


  3. Happy Diwali ESWAR.
    Can we have report in place which show in software update group how mainy were Sevurity update /Sumalative update and there compliance percentage,

        1. hi,
          Day wise would be too much to add and more over ,patches release once in month so dont see value to add day wise .
          If you are still interested, you can edit the RDL file ,copy the code into SQL and modify as per the needs.


  4. this is an excellent report that i was looking for to report to my mgmt. But for some reason the server count is not reading correct. I have 1620 servers in a collection that i am running report against, it is listing only 1545. Also i tired the query in sql studio, it is 1545. am not sure what is wrong and where to start troubleshooting. We did patched in Aug and the compliancy was 98%. this report is giving as 3.29%. Not sure if you can help.

    1. you can check the built in report (software update Compliance for specific update group and collection) to know what machines not compliant and then start troubleshooting .


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