SCCM Configmgr 2012 How to check Status of applications Assigned to Computer or User

Its always painful to check via reports for specific application if an assigned application successfully installed for Computer or User ,especially for GSD/helpdesk guys as they are the first point of contact for basic troubleshooting and they cannot always browse to default reports for such information and there is no straight report to give this information.

I have created 2 Reports 1 ) List all applications with status for specific Computer 2) List applications with status for Specific User.

These 2 reports will help you to get quick information about specific application whether it is installed /requirements not met /error what ever the reason before you jump into troubleshoot it.

While running report for User,you will have specify Username which is NTUser name which is used to log into domain for Ex:eskonr\eswar ,specify only eswar,domain name is not required.

1.List all applications with status for specific Computer


2.List applications with status for Specific User:


you can download there 2 reports from TechNet Gallery .

As usual,Download the reports,uploaded to SSRS report folder .

Don’t forget to change the Data Source ,to know How ,refer Garth blog.

you can also use powershell script to change the Data source for multiple reports at one go instead one by one refer blog post.

4 Responses to "SCCM Configmgr 2012 How to check Status of applications Assigned to Computer or User"

  1. Hi,

    We deploy amost all of our applications to collections full of users linked through a AD group query. However the installs are still machine based.

    So what we would like to have is a report which shows the application deployment status of all applications on an individual machine. And when I say all applications, I mean every application and not just ones that have been targeted to the machine itself.

    e.g. if user tst-000001 uses machine DESK001 as their primary device and user tst-000001 has multiple applications advertised to them through various collections - we would like to be able to enter 'DESK001' into the search and have it display the application compliance of all the applications assigned directly to it and to any user that has logged in to it (in this case, tst-00001)

    Currently all user deployment reports will only show data per user and computer deployment reports per machine.

    To summarise :

    we would like to search per machine and have it display the compliance details of all applications advertised to the machine itself and any user that has logged into it.

    Is this possible?
    Many thanks 🙂

  2. Would love to see this report in action, though i still get the following Technet link response : >> This item is not yet published.


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